There is more significance to the word ‘home’ than just a house made of wood and bricks. Home means a safe and happy space where we live and rejoice our time with our family. But when this happy space gets infested with pests like roaches and ants, it becomes difficult to ensure the safety and good health of our family. This makes it necessary to focus on pest control and look for effective ways to get rid of roaches, ants, and other stubborn pests.
Cockroaches, also popularly known as roaches are one of the creepiest uninvited guests that are found in common households. These creatures are responsible for a number of dangerous diseases and turn out to be the reason behind major health hazards. Some of the most dangerous diseases caused by Roaches are- Dysentery, Plague, Typhoid Fever, Salmonellosis, etc. Some of these diseases are fatal and can create major problems for the family if regular pest control management is not taken care of.
When it comes to ants, there is a popular misconception that ants are not dangerous unlike the other pests as they do not cause any problems. But this is completely false. There is a reason why ants are called pests and not just any insect. Thus, we need to understand that there are many types of ants, and a number of these are found in Brisbane and the area surrounding the city. Some of the common species include Fire Ant, Green Ant, Flying Ant, Bull Ant, and many more. These ants not only carry different viruses and diseases but their sting can also be very painful and dangerous. For an allergic person, an ant bite can be worse as it causes an allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention.
Now, it is time to ask ourselves what are some things that we can do to keep our spaces safe from these pests? The answer to this question depends on the magnitude of the infestation that we are talking about. Ants live in colonies, and if they’ve succeeded in making some part of your house are their permanent residence then the situation can be out of hands and you need to look for some reliable pest controllers to take care of it. We, The Pest and Termite Co offers the best pest control services to ensure that your house is safe from these creepy crawlers and you spend your days with comfort and without any stress. But, if the infestation is of low magnitude, then there are DIY ways that you can try to bring it to an end.
Below are some things that you can do to prevent and get rid of a roach infestation in your lovely home.
- Keep your house neat and clean by regular vacuuming and cleaning it with an ammonia-water mixture once in a while. Make sure that you are cleaning cabinets, furniture, walls, baseboards, etc. with sincerity because these are the places where infestation starts. If your house is already infested, then these are the places where the nest would probably be.
- Wash all the washable surfaces regularly with a strong cleanser. The smell of the cleanser works as a repellent for roaches and other such pests.
- Inspect walls, ceilings, cabinets, furniture, and other such things in your house and look if there are any cracks and spacing in them. These small spaces serve as the home and places of breeding for not just roaches and ants but several other such pests. Make sure that every such crack is properly sealed and taken care of.
- If you are ready to take it slow then you can get rid of infestation by cutting the food supply of roaches. This can be done by keeping food items in sealed containers, by painting surfaces where food is kept with enamel to make it tough for roaches to climb, by keeping garbage sealed and secure, by washing dishes right after eating, and various such methods. Roaches only like houses where there is easy food supply available for them.
- Just like food, cutting off water supply can also prove to be an important method in keeping your house infestation free. Make sure that every faucet in your house is working properly and there are no leakages. After cleaning the kitchen, make sure that the surfaces are dry and there are no spots with still water.
- If there is wallpaper in your house, make sure that it is perfectly pasted and there are no loose spots where the paper is out. Such spots can prove to be the perfect hiding place for ants, roaches, and other such pests.
By doing these things, you would be taking away everything from a roach or an ant, leaving them with no option except bidding farewell to your house, and that’s exactly what we wanted.
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