Top 7 Best Pest Control Tips and Tricks You Should Know

by | May 9, 2024 | News & Updates

Living in Australia, we share our beautiful sunburnt country with a whole range of
creepy crawlies and fuzzy friends (of the unwanted variety, that is). While some may
be fascinating from afar, pests can quickly become a nuisance – and sometimes a
health hazard – in our homes. Fortunately, there are several effective pest control
tips and tricks that homeowners can employ to keep their homes pest-free.
In addition to implementing natural pest control methods, it’s essential to stay
informed about common pests in your area and their behaviors. Understanding the
habits and preferences of pests can help you devise more targeted and effective
pest control strategies. Consider researching local pest species and their seasonal
patterns to stay one step ahead of potential infestations. By combining proactive
prevention measures with natural pest control remedies, you can create a robust
defense against pests and ensure a comfortable and pest-free living environment for
you and your family.
From ants and cockroaches to rodents and termites, dealing with pests requires
knowledge and effective strategies. Before you reach for the harsh chemicals, here
are some top tips and tricks to keep your Australian home pest-free naturally, or at
least minimize their unwelcome presence.

1. Seal Up Your Fortress: Exclusion is Key

The best way to deal with pests is to stop them from entering your home in the first
place. Here’s how to fortify your defences:

 Inspect and seal cracks and gaps: Check around windows, doors, pipes, utility
lines, and anywhere else potential entry points might exist. Use caulk or
weather stripping to seal these openings.
 Install flyscreens on windows and doors: This is a simple yet highly effective
way to keep out flying insects, especially during the warmer months.
 Maintain your yard: Keep tree branches and bushes trimmed away from your
house. This reduces potential entry points for climbing insects and rodents,
and also eliminates hiding places for pests near your foundation.
 Store firewood away from the house: Firewood piles can be a haven for a
variety of pests. Keep them stored neatly at least a metre away from your
exterior walls.

2. Keep it Clean and Tidy: Deny Them Food and Shelter
A clean and organized home offers little appeal to pests searching for food and
shelter. Here are some ways to make your home less inviting:

Store food properly: Always keep food in sealed containers, and avoid leaving
crumbs or spills on benches and floors. Don’t forget to clean out pet food
bowls regularly.
Empty rubbish bins regularly: Don’t let overflowing bins become a breeding
ground for pests. Take out the trash frequently, and ensure bins have tight-
fitting lids.

 Clean up spills and messes promptly: Don’t give pests a chance to feast on
sugary spills or leftover food particles. Wipe down surfaces regularly, and mop
up spills immediately.
Declutter your home: Clutter provides hiding places for pests. Keep your
home organized and free of unnecessary clutter, especially around potential
entry points.

3. Embrace the Power of Natural Repellents:
There are a number of natural substances that can deter pests. Here are a few to try:

 Essential oils: Certain essential oils, such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and
citronella, have natural insect repellent properties. Be sure to dilute them
properly before use, and keep them out of reach of pets and children.

Diatomaceous earth (DE): This natural powder is a desiccant, meaning it dries
out insects and kills them. However, be cautious when using DE around pets
and ensure you wear a mask when applying it.

 Bay leaves: The strong aroma of bay leaves can deter cockroaches and other
crawling insects. Place them strategically around your home, particularly in
cupboards and drawers.

Garlic and chili peppers: The pungent smell of these can deter some pests,
especially rodents. However, their effectiveness can vary.

4. Utilize Natural Predators:
Sometimes, the natural world can provide its own pest control solutions!

 Spiders: While not everyone’s favourite housemate, spiders are effective
predators of flies and other small insects. Consider letting them be (in a safe
corner) if they are not causing a nuisance.
Ladybugs: These beneficial insects love to feast on aphids, a common garden
pest. Attract ladybugs to your yard by planting flowers they love, such as dill,
fennel, and yarrow.


5. Address Moisture Issues:
Many pests thrive in damp environments. Here’s how to keep your home dry and
less attractive to moisture-loving pests:

Fix leaky faucets and pipes: Promptly repair any leaks to prevent them from
creating damp areas that attract pests like cockroaches and silverfish.
Maintain proper ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in your bathroom,
laundry, and kitchen to prevent moisture build-up. Use exhaust fans when
showering, cooking, or doing laundry.
Address condensation problems: Condensation on windows and walls can
create a damp environment. Improve ventilation and consider using
dehumidifiers in areas prone to condensation.

6. Be Mindful of What You Bring Indoors:
Sometimes, pests hitch a ride into our homes on firewood, boxes, or even our pets.
Here are some ways to minimize the risk:

Inspect firewood before bringing it inside: Look for signs of pests like termites
or carpenter ants before storing firewood near your home.

Inspect packages and deliveries: Before bringing them inside, especially if
they have been stored outdoors, check for any signs of hitchhiking pests.
Brush off pets after outdoor adventures: Especially after walks in bushy areas,
give your furry friends a quick brush-down to remove any potential

7. Monitor and Take Action Early
Even with the best preventative measures, there's always a chance a pest might
sneak in. Here’s what to do:

Regularly inspect your home for signs of pests: Look for droppings, chewed
wires, or unusual activity.
Identify the pest: Knowing what you’re dealing with is crucial for choosing the
most effective control method.
Take action quickly: The sooner you address a pest problem, the easier it will
be to control and prevent an infestation.
Remember: If your pest problem becomes overwhelming, or you’re dealing
with dangerous pests like venomous spiders or aggressive rodents, its always
best to call in a professional pest control service. They have the expertise and
tools to safely and effectively eliminate the problem.

Australian Considerations:
Australia has a unique range of pest species, so it is important to be aware of the
specific threats in your region. Here are some additional tips for our fellow Aussies:

Be aware of seasonal variations: Pest activity can increase during certain
times of the year. For example, termites are more active during warmer
Research common pests in your area: Knowing the most common pests in
your neighbourhood will help you tailor your prevention methods.
Consider using natural or organic pest control products: These can be a good
option, especially if you have pets or young children. However, they may not
always be as effective as conventional methods.


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Ultimate Pest Inspection Checklist you should be aware of

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Summer house flies are one of the most commonly found pests all over the world. From a total number of 1.2 million species of flies, summer house flies are most likely to infest your house and make your life quite miserable. It is not very hard to spot the infestation...

When to Call a Professional:
By following these tips and tricks, you can create a less inviting environment for
pests in your Australian home. Remember, prevention is key! With a little effort, you
can keep your home pest-free and enjoy a peaceful co-existence with the amazing
wildlife of Australia (from a safe distance, of course!).

However, if your pest problem becomes overwhelming, or you’re dealing with
dangerous pests like venomous spiders or aggressive rodents, its always best to call
in a professional pest control service. Here at The Pest and Termite Company, we’re
experts in dealing with all kinds of Australian pests. We service the entire Gold Coast
region, including Pimpama, Coomera, Ormeau, and Oxenford.
Don’t let pests take over your home! Contact The Pest and Termite Company today
for a free quote and a personalised pest control plan. We’ll help you keep your home
safe and pest-free.
Call us now on 04818 Pests(73787) or visit our website at to learn more about our services.